Wow ui scale not working
Wow ui scale not working

Once you’re in game type /hsw and check boxes based on the type of content you want weights for. Install it in your WoW directory with the rest of your addons and you’re set. You can grab it from Curse at  or your Twitch client.

wow ui scale not working wow ui scale not working

It should once again give accurate information for Resto Druids and Mistweaver Monks. If you’re min-maxing then this isn’t a replacement for your spec spreadsheets but it’s an incredibly powerful and convenient tool to use alongside them. The weights that it calculates for you are based off your own playstyle, gear, talents, and Azerite traits giving you a lot more precision than any generic stat weights that you might find on the internet (which are always inaccurate). It does all the work for you so that you can avoid any complicated math. It’ll tell you what your strongest and weakest stats are and you can use that information for you enchants, gems and general gearing decisions. HSW (Healer Stat Weights) is an addon that automatically calculates your stat weights based on the content that you’re currently running.

Wow ui scale not working